Key Safeguarding Contacts at New Horizons Academy
The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) for New Horizons Academy is Aimee Earl who can be contacted at
The designated officers for Northamptonshire County Council are:
- Designated Officer: Administrator 01604 364041
- Designated Officer: Andy Smith 01604 367862
- Designated Officer: Christine York 01604 362633
Online Safety Documents
In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment, preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development, that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
New Horizons Academy fully recognises the responsibility we have to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people.
Information for Students
We encourage children at New Horizons Academy to speak to any member of staff if they feel worried or concerned. However, we are aware that sometimes it can be difficult to talk to an adult.
If you think you or someone you know is being abused, or neglected, or have any safeguarding issues that you would like to report, or simply get some advice on, you can do this by using this link:
Student Safeguarding Useful Links
- Young Person's Guide to Keeping Children Safe
- Young Person's Guide to Working Together to Safeguard Children
- External Agency Student Support
- YPI Counselling General Leaflet
- What Makes a Good Relationship Leaflet
Information for Parents
New Horizons Academy works with many other organisations and agencies to support and safeguard the young people with whom we work.
If you are worried about yourself or someone else, the following links may be useful in directing you to an organisation that can help:
- Barnardos
- Childline
- YPI Counselling (counselling for young people)
Online Safety
Please see below for useful documents, websites and posters regarding keeping your child safe in the online world.
- London Grid for Learning
For support for parents/carers to keep their children safe online - CEOP
News and articles surrounding internet safety - Think You Know
Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet - Parent Information
Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online - UK Safer Internet Centre
E-safety tips, advice and resources - NSPCC Online Safety
Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online - Childnet International
Parents and Carers information to keep your child safe online - Internet Matters
Internet and social media advice for parents
Other Useful Documents